Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Craft Corner: Windchimes
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Craft Corner: Rescued Chairs
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Things are looking good in the garden this year! Today's harvest is this beautiful bunch of garlic. I know it is not the biggest bunch and the heads aren't as big as I hoped, but it's my first try. I am going to plant more this fall and see if I can get them bigger!
Garlic really is easy to grow. I planted them last November, in a raisedbed, covered therm with leaves and left them. I didn't have to water them through the winter at all. It would probably been a good idea to feed them in the spring. I have been trying to not use any fertilizers, but they do help. I found a couple diy recipes on the Internet that I have been trying out on just a few plants. I am always worried I will kill the plants, so I am cautious with the stuff I make. Better to be safe than sad!
Happy gardening!